Nakamura Tozo (中村東蔵)

Tozo NAKAMURA is one of the professional names of Kabuki.

Tozo NAKAMURA the first
Later, he became Utaemon NAKAMURA the second.

Tozo NAKAMURA the second
He was a son of Tozo NAKAMURA the first. His stage family names were Ebisuya and Yamashiroya. His haimyo (kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used officially and privately) were 十暁, 芝楽.

Tozo NAKAMURA the third. His stage family name was Kagaya. His haimyo were 十暁, 芝陸, 東枝. He had an adopted child, Tsurusuke NAKAMURA the third.

Tozo NAKAMURA the fourth
He was an adopted child of Utashichi NAKAMURA the second.

Tozo NAKAMURA the fifth
Later he became Tomoemon OTANI the sixth.

Tozo NAKAMURA the sixth

[Original Japanese]